We provide around-the-clock 24/7 emergency services. We serve Stillwater, MN, and the surrounding areas and if you are outside of our radius we have a haul-in facility.

(651) 770-6167

24/7 Equine Emergency Care

Contact Stillwater Equine Veterinary Clinic

If your horse is experiencing an emergency, call us right away. 

After business hours and on weekends, your call will be routed to an after-hours emergency vet service which will page the doctor on call.

Call: (651) 770-6167

Steps To Take In An Emergency

If your horse is in distress, follow the steps listed below.

  • Call Your Emergency Veterinarian as Soon as Possible - Provide detailed information about your horse’s condition, including vital signs such as temperature, pulse rate, respiration rate and gum color. Your vet will decide how to proceed based on the information you provide.
  • Stay Calm - Your horse will react to your emotions.
  • Keep everyone Safe - You will not be able to help your horse if you become injured. Move your horse to an area where they are unlikely to cause further harm to themselves.
  • Get Help from Others at Your Barn - Delegate responsibilities like holding your horse and bringing the first aid kit.

Equine Emergency FAQs

  • What is considered an emergency?

    Physical injuries are common in horses. While a range of sports injuries can occur during training, curiosity can also lead to serious injuries, such as deep gashes and lacerations.

    • Colic: not passing manure, rolling excessively, pawing, kicking at belly
    • Lacerations, punctures, excessive bleeding
    • Choke
    • Acute, non-weight-bearing lameness
    • Eye injuries
    • Abnormal behavior: loss of appetite, fever greater than 101/5 F. dullness, diarrhea
  • Do I need to take my horse to your clinic?

    While there are some severe cases where we will need you to transport your horses to our clinic, our veterinarians will travel to you in our fully stocked truck and can diagnose and treat at your farm if you are in our service radius.