Our Stillwater vets will develop a preventive vaccination schedule designed for your horse to help maintain their health and well-being.

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Protection & Prevention

At Stillwater Equine Veterinary Clinic, we want to make sure that your horse is protected from diseases and illnesses that can sweep through a herd without warning. In combination with general health checkups, vaccinations and dewormers form the foundation of your horse's routine healthcare. 

Preventive care, such as routine vaccinations and deworming, protects your horse from diseases that reduce their quality of life and harm their ability to perform at their best. 

Our team will work with you to create a custom preventive care plan based on your horse's unique needs, lifestyle, and potential risk factors.

Equine Core Care, Stillwater Veterinarians

Vaccinations for Horses in Stillwater

Vaccinations for Horses

Our veterinarians regularly review the vaccines available to select the products that are the safest and most effective for your horse.

Types of Horse Vaccinations

Vaccine Schedule

Deworming for Horses

Our veterinarians consult with leading experts to select products that are safe and effective.

Deworming Strategies

There are two common deworming strategies:

Deworming Schedule

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