Whether you are shipping your horse or traveling to a show, we can ensure that you have the equine health certificates needed to transport your horse.

Book An Appointment   Fill Out Our Health Certificate Form

The Importance of Health Certificates

Export documents are required for any horse crossing an international border, as well as for horses being exported to another state.

A Certificate of Veterinarian Inspections is required to help reduce disease spread from one area and from one horse to another. An inspection for illness by your vet helps to identify obvious or even subtle signs of disease that may not have otherwise been detected. 

Requirements for health certificates are different for each state, and our Stillwater veterinary practice regularly reviews shipping requirements for your horse. Interstate health certificates, international health certificates, and passports are available.

Coggins Testing, Stillwater Vets

Coggins Testing

The Coggins test screens for EIA. A negative test within twelve months is required for interstate transport. We recommend annual testing for all horses to help prevent the spread of this disease.

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How Do I Acquire A Health Certificate For My Horse?

A current negative Coggins test is a necessary first step in getting a health certificate for your horse.

Our vets at Stillwater Equine Veterinary Clinic can do this for you during your horse's appointment, or we can accept a recent Coggins from your previous vet.

How Long Do Health Certificates Remain Valid?

Unlike your horse's Coggins test, which typically needs to be done within 12 months of travel (for international it's within six months), your horse's health certificates are only valid for 30 days.

The port of crossing is required information for all international health certificates being issued.

This is why, when you are planning to travel with or ship your horse, organization and preparation are essential. 

Contact Stillwater Equine Veterinary Clinic to discuss your travel plans and talk about when you need to secure your horse's travel documentation. 

Health Certificate Form

If you need to acquire a health certificate for your horse, please fill out the form below and we will reach out to you to schedule an appointment.

This completed form is required by law in order for us to provide service. This information is kept secure, private and will not be shared with any 3rd party without your expressed consent. Please use "Coggins and Health Certificate Form" if a Coggins/EIA test is required to be run.

Agent Information

If indicate Yes, please complete the following sections. Otherwise please skip to the Owner Section.

Owner Information / Consignor

Horse Information

Examples include star, right hind sock, left hind pastern (white), brand description, etc.

Horse Information

Examples include star, right hind sock, left hind pastern (white), brand description, etc.

Horse Information

Examples include star, right hind sock, left hind pastern (white), brand description, etc.

Horse Information

Examples include star, right hind sock, left hind pastern (white), brand description, etc.

Horse Information

Examples include star, right hind sock, left hind pastern (white), brand description, etc.

Horse Information

Examples include star, right hind sock, left hind pastern (white), brand description, etc.

Horse Information

Examples include star, right hind sock, left hind pastern (white), brand description, etc.

Destination Information for Health Certificate or "CVI"

Please list yourself if you are hauling.
Must have physical address. If show grounds, the city, state and name of show grounds is adequate.

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